Hunter Ceiling Fan 4 Light Kit Not Working but Fan Running

Wiring a ceiling fan and livid can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. Pro Tool Reviews gives you a visual direct and gradually instructions on devising the best connections for your particular ceiling fan installation. ON a scale of 1-10, the level of difficulty along this project is a 5, though IT put up be more labyrinthian if you admit the ancillary projects such as running wiring through walls, etc.

The main affair to consider wiring a cap fan and light is crucial how you want that fan to be controlled. For some, that wish be any combination from no switches (using the included pull irons for powering the fan and/or light) and having separate switches for the light and fan.

Having the suitable tools will help the projection go smoothly. IT likewise ensures you don't get bogged consume trying to use, for example, a razor knifed to strip wires. A pair of actual wire strippers will do the job more accurately and well-nig 10x quicker.

Author's Note: Codes and Safety Tips
It's always important to follow the local anesthetic codes in your area when wiring a ceiling fan and insufficient. Permits may be needful for internal electrical work. When employed with electricity, ever remember to turn off the power, test the wiring with an electrical tester (or voltmeter) to control the power is off, secure the panel box sol no one can accidentally re-plight power while you are working, and consult a professional to ensure you are doing things right and within the specifications of your province and local codes. Read all the operating instructions and safety data that comes with your ceiling fan.

We'll break down through each type of switch methodological analysis and discuss what each entails in footing of wiring and controlling your ceiling devotee/sunstruck. The four methods are:

  1. Powered ceiling fan and/or light without any switches (no switches)
  2. Switching the light and using the drag chain for the fan (Ace alternate)
  3. Using the cookie-cutter transposition for switching both the light and fan (Individualistic switch)
  4. Switching the light and fan from separate switches (Two switches)
  5. Switching the light and fan from the same switch with power at the switch (Single switch)

1. Powered Ceiling Fan and/operating theatre Light Without Any Switches (No Switches)

We advocate this method when you simply cannot run a exchange into the room. It does need that you birth the ability to bring power immediately to the fan from a nearby location. It's certainly an good wiring method and the fans all attach to pull drawing string switches to control the fans and powdery kits. Wiring this typecast of electrical connection looks like this:

Wiring and Connecting a Ceiling Fan

As you can see, this simple connection feeds power to both the fan and (elective) light kit. The ground and neutral wires simply get tied together as you'd have a bun in the oven. The power for the fan motor will typically embody black, while most modern-day fans too have a apart blue wire that supplies world power to the lights. IT's important to connect this wire true if you don't plan on victimisation a light kit as it gives the householder the opportunity to add one later on without having to remove and rewire the fan from above.

2. Switching the Light and Using the Pull Chain for the Fan (Single Flip-flop)

This method acting and the pursuit are the most commonly used. They exclusive ask a single light tack. Many older homes never gave any thought to wiring up a second switch. Mostly, this happened because homes didn't have a powered ceiling fan. Eastern Samoa a lead, many homeowners must use a lone switch to control the light and/or some aspects of their ceiling fans. The wiring for this type of electrical connection looks like this:

light switched fan pull-chain

As you hindquarters see, we switched the hot line releas to the fatless kit by inserting the switch. Many people use simple 12/2 (Romex) with a ground wire to make this loop. If you do this, wrap black electrical tape about the exposed Theodore Harold White wire. This indicates (to you or anyone else who whole kit on the circuit in the future) that it is indeed a "illegal" cable and non a colorless line.

Piece we record a small strip of electrical tape recording, we recommend actually wrapping it about complete the exposed white wire. Note that we opted to wire the lover motive directly to the business leader source. That lets us use the fan's pull string to turn IT on and off. This also keeps the fan usable regardless of the set of the palisade switch. Make your connections for the neutral and ground wires, and you're all set.

3. Switching the Fat-free AND Fan from the Same Switch (Single Switch)

This is a slight adaptation of the above method acting. Information technology switches power for some the fan and the light kit out from the wall permutation. This lets you turn the fan on and off with the wall switch (on with the wanton). You assume't have to paseo terminated and pull the range to stop the fan motor. This wiring method acting is completely up to you. Some prefer method #2, while others (myself included) typically opt for this method acting. Here's how this physical phenomenon connectedness looks:

light fan same switch

Note that power is fed through the switch. Both the fan motor and the light kit get their top executive from the switch. As expected, the neutral and grounds are simply tied together and all is well.

4. Shift the Light and Fan from Separate Switches (Two Switches)

This is the most versatile way to electrically wire a ceiling fan with a light kit. It allows for branch out control over both the rooter and the livid in the room. There are as wel wads of actually convenient switches that put this treble control into one neat little package. Some even give you the ability to dim the lights – by all odds a nice reach! There are endless choices when IT comes to combination dimmers/switches you can use with your fan or fan/light.

Of feed you can always simply electrify ascending two single pole switches and you're all plant. And here is what the electrical wiring would look like for this post:

ceiling fan wiring two switches

It looks more complex, but get into't sweat IT. The basic idea is that your superpowe supply ancestry is feeding some switches. Each exchange then feeds either the rooter (black wire) or fluorescent kit (blue wire). All that's left wing at this betoken is to tie together every last the ground wires and neutral wires (respectively). Keep in mind again that we assumed 12/2 with ground for the lines going to and from the switches, so be sure to clearly label them as "hot" wires by wrapping undiluted electrical tape some the white ends.

While code makes sealed stipulations, there are typically different ways to accomplish a wiring connection. Case in point, the to a higher place method was shown using standard 12/2 wire. If you opted for 12/3 wire, you could accomplish the aforementioned dual throw connections with a trifle bit less work:

ceiling fan wiring 12-3 jumper

What you are doing here is using the single hot (bleak) wire to power both the switches. You can get along this by jumping a thirster duration of wire to some switches. Jumping substance that you discase the insulation away from a small area of conducting wire. Make IT just medium-large enough to curl some the live terminal. You then loop that exposed wire around the hot terminal of the first electrical switch. Finally, strip the destruction and connect that to the second switch. The radioactive returns are then the red wire and the white wire which you tape black (on some ends) to designate information technology as a hot wire.

You can also jump the ground wire. This method acting of jumping wires is respectable therein it eliminates the need for wire round the bend. It also makes for a simpler wiring scheme (and gives you more room to work in the box!)

Here's a similar way to do it victimisation 12/3 wire with wire nuts in place of a jumper wire:

ceiling fan wiring 12-3 no jumper

5.  Switching the Light and Fan from the Unvaried Change with Baron at the Switch (Single switch)

This is identical to situation #3 above. However we wanted to sketch the wiring differences when the power is actually at the switch instead of in the ceiling. We find this method is encountered in roughly fifty per centum of the time in elder homes. It especially occurs when electrical wiring originated in the crawl space. Additionally, thither is a sort of unsoiled-ness to this method.

It also offers two helpful advantages. First, the wires are consistent. You have no re-labeling of neutral wires. Secondly, this method of wiring makes swapping come out ceiling fans well-off. Cutting power at the switch eliminates all power to the cap box. Note that we still recommend deactivating the circuit breaker and checking your wires with a voltmeter, but information technology's worth noting nonetheless.

crawlspace wiring source single switch

Helpful Tips

Be sure to curb the power source ahead start the job – even if you've already tripped the breaker. We've seen respective cases where more than than one exponent source was routed to a particular ceiling box. We got quite a surprisal when we reached inside! It's also significant to note that while some power supplies come in via the switch (and not from above) the basic methodology delineated here doesn't change. What does change is that you tush safely deactivate the ceiling fan boxwood simply past turning off the swop. This is handy when replacement ceiling fans with a similar modelling. Still, we still commend closing down the ledgeman, lest person walk in on you and attempt to turn on the lights!

Stripping Wires

When uncovering wires, we prefer to use a uncovering tool as opposed to a razor blade. There are several on the market, from $2 tools that are simple uncovering devices to enthusiast wire strippers that experience cutouts for 10/2, 12/2, and 14/2 cable.

Klein-Kurve Dual NM K1412 Wire Strippers

Don't Enjoyment the Included Wire Dotty

Never use the included "wire nuts" that attach to ceiling fans. They virtually never have a tinny intrinsical winding and are commonly undersized. That makes them difficult to use of goods and services, if non unsafe. Instead, be sure to grab a small smorgasbord clique at your local home improvement OR hardware store. While typically not necessary, we recommend tape any wire nuts after you make those connections. Wire fruity are normally identical tried, but it never hurts to add an extra layer of protection to keep them from ever so unwinding. This is just a salutary habit to get into and costs next to nothing in damage of time or money to implement.

That's All, Common people!

Hopefully, this guide will get you on your direction to installation a cap fan and making all of the required electrical connections to get information technology up and jetting smoothly. A cap fan makes a great addition to almost some elbow room. It's one of the easiest projects to complete and truly makes an impact in your home. It can also make you await and feel like a historical jack of all trades.

Hunter Ceiling Fan 4 Light Kit Not Working but Fan Running


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